TS2015 DTG CSX GE AC6000CW Physics Mod Pack
This is the CSX GE AC6000CW (CW60AH/CW46AH) Physics Modification pack version 1.0
Both tests are made with identical consists of 50 loaded hopper cars.
In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the "Train Simulator: CSX AC6000CW Loco Add-On" pack available at Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/277...
This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.
This is a physics mod; NOT a sound mod. All default sounds are kept.
The purpose of this pack is to adjust the fuel capacity, motor amperage limits, and tractive & braking effort values for more realistic operation. This pack also includes physics for the derated version of the locomotive (CW46AH).
General Parameter Change Log:
Set fuel tank capacity to 6,200 gallons.
Maximum tractive amps is 890; maximum braking amps is 510. 1 amp = 1 kilonewton of tractive/dynamic brake effort.
Adjusted dynamic brake effort rating and curve for more realistic operation.
Adjusted two sound proxyxml files to ensure dynamic brake sound plays properly with the amperage change.
Weight kept at 196 metric tons (432,000 lbs)
Technical specifications for the CW60AH and the CW46AH:
CW60AH (GE GEVO-16; 6250 THP)
Starting tractive effort of 200,000 lbs (890 kN) up to 10.55 mph
Wheel horsepower of 5,625 hp (4,197.76 kW) @ 10.55 mph
Dynamic Brake effort of 115,000 lbs (510 kN) from 20 mph to 3 mph
DB resistor grid rating of 6,300 hp (4,701.5 kW)
Maximum speed of 75 mph
RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 20
Fuel consumption range (gph)= 5.2 - 280
CW46AH (GE GEVO-16; 5100 THP; Derated)
Starting tractive effort of 200,000 lbs (890 kN) up to 8.6 mph
Wheel horsepower of 4,590 hp (3,425.37 kW) @ 8.6 mph
Dynamic Brake effort of 115,000 lbs (510 kN) from 20 mph to 3 mph
DB resistor grid rating of 6,300 hp (4,701.5 kW)
Maximum speed of 75 mph
RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 25
Fuel consumption range (gph)= 4.5 - 215
IMPORTANT; Install Instructions
Locate CSXAC6000CWPack01 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\CSXAC6000CWPack01)
Open DTG_CSX_GE_AC6000CW_Physics_Mod_Pack.rar
Drag the file folders from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1.
The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to check.
If installation is botched or does not work, to back up to original files, delete the folders from step 3.
User's Manual: Upon installation, the pack defaults to using the CW60AH physics.
In order to switch physics, follow the steps below:
Open the following directory:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\CSXAC6000CWPack01\RailVehicles\AC6000CW\Simulation"
In each of those directories, you will see two folders (one for each set of locomotive physics): a. "6000 HP" b. "4600 HP"
Once you choose which set of physics to use, open the respective physics folder in the directory from step 1.
Copy (CTRL + C) all files you find in the opened folder located in directory 1a.
Proceed back to the directory in step one.
Paste (CTRL + V) the copied files; overwrite when asked.
If the previous 6 steps were completed properly, the physics swap should be successful; run TS2015 to check.
Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)