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TS2015 Bombardier M7 EMU Motor Sound Pack for DTG Metro-North Kawasaki M8 EMU

This is the Bombardier M7 EMU Motor Sound Pack for the DTG Metro-North Kawasaki M8 EMU (3/28/15).

In order to utilize this freeware physics & sound upgrade, you must have purchased the Metro-North Kawasaki M8 EMU Add-On available at Steam:

This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes unless authorized via prior contact. I can be reached at

The purpose of this pack is to create M7 motor sounds for use in the M8. This also means that authentic M7 motor sounds exist should DTG ever create the M7 EMU.

IMPORTANT; Install Instructions

  1. Proceed to open folders until your directory reads "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\M8Pack01\".

  2. Then open the "Bombardier_M7_EMU_Motor_Sound_Pack_for_DTG_Metro-North_Kawasaki_M8_EMU.rar" file.

  3. Highlight all folders in the .rar file and drag them into the file directory from step 1.

  4. Click "OK" when if asks you to Confirm File Copy.

  5. The installation should be complete. Run TS2015 to confirm.

User Manual: It is important to note that upon the installation of this mod, the M8 train will default to using M7 motor sounds. I have provided backup file folders for BOTH M7 and M8 motor sounds so that the user can switch between the two.

Follow the instructions below to perform the sound switch:

  1. Open the following directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\M8Pack01\Audio\RailVehicles\Electric\M8\Motors"

    1. You should see two file folders: "Bombardier M7" & "Kawasaki M8".

    2. Located inside those folders are all the necessary files for each respective motor sound set.

  2. Once you've chosen the sound set you want to run with, enter the respective folder and copy all files within (CTRL + C).

  3. Proceed back to the directory from step 1 and paste the copied files (CTRL + V). Overwrite if asked.

  4. The sound set swap should be complete. Run TS2015 to confirm.

Thank you for downloading and installing.

Enjoy =)

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